The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (DNS-OARC) brings together key operators, implementors, and researchers on a trusted platform so they can coordinate responses to attacks and other concerns, share information and learn together. DNS-OARC has five key functions:
- Information Sharing: DNS-OARC provides a trusted, shared platform to allow the DNS operations community to share information and data. Stringent confidentiality requirements and secure communications mean that proprietary information can be shared on a bilateral basis.
- Operational Characterization As Internet traffic levels continue to grow, the demand on root and other key nameservers will outgrow the current infrastructure: this year's DDoS attack traffic levels will become next year's steady state load. DNS-OARC measures the performance and load of key nameservers and publish statistics on both traffic load and traffic type (including error types).
- Workshops: DNS-OARC organizes semi-annual workshops where members and the public are invited to give presentations on timely topics relevant to DNS both operations and research.
- Analysis: Leading researchers and developers provide long-term analysis of DNS performance and post-mortems of attacks so that institutional learning occurs. A well-provisioned system allows members to upload traces and logs, and to perform their own analysis.
- Tools and Services: As vulnerabilities and DNS problems come to light, DNS-OARC develops publicly available tools and services to assist with highlighting, diagnosing, and remedying such problems.