OARC 2013 AGM - Agenda

Date:Sat 5th October 2013
Time:10:00 MT
17:00 UTC
Location:Wild Horse Pass Resort, Chandler, AZ 85226, USA
Room:Komatke E/F
Chair:Ondrej Filip
Secretary:Keith Mitchell

2013 Annual General Meeting of OARC, Inc

  1. 10:00 Start of formal AGM business

  2. Receive OARC President's Report (Keith Mitchell)

  3. Receive Treasurer's Report on 2012 OARC Financial Statements (Matt Pounsett, Treasurer)

  4. Approve 2012 OARC Audited Accounts

  5. Approve Minutes of 2012 AGM

  6. Break

  7. Receive OARC Chairman's Presentation (Ondrej Filip)

  8. Present revised version of OARC Participation Agreement

  9. Action of the Members - Approve Resolutions:

    1. to provide that the Director formerly appointed by the Secretariat shall be elected by a majority vote of the members and shall be deemed an At-Large Director;

    2. to provide that the Director formerly appointed by the Root Services Advisory Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the members and shall be deemed an At-Large Director;

    3. to provide that beginning in 2013, the terms of the directors shall commence on the date on which the annual meeting of the members is held;

    4. that Section 2.2(a) of the Participation Agreement is hereby revised to provide that only dues-paying members of the Company shall have the right to vote on any matter which requires approval of the Company's members pursuant to the Bylaws;

  10. Elect three member representatives to the OARC Board

  11. AOB

  12. 12:30 Conclusion of formal AGM business

  13. Lunch Break

  14. 14:00 Start of OARC Public Workshop