Examples of In-kind contributions for Supporter Participation eligibility:

  • A presentation of relevant work at an OARC workshop. (This could for example be an explanation and advocacy of a public benefit or open-source DNS project to our community workshop audience, and/or a follow-up report on progress, lessons learned, etc.)*
  • A presentation at a non-OARC conference/event, or publication in a peer-reviewed journal, which makes reference to OARC's work, and/or use of OARC's dataset, code or other resources*
  • submission of DNS data to OARC (e.g., for DITL)
  • A contribution of code to OARC's open-source tools
  • Making available code or infrastructure which supports OARC's services
  • Volunteering on one of our committees or for workshop-running
  • Granting reciprocal Observer/Member status/benefits in an equivalent membership organization
  • Introducing a paying Member or Donor to OARC
  • A donation in-kind of services, time or other resources in support of OARC's activities, which we would otherwise have to pay for

This no-cost level requires an in-kind donation, like research papers and/or presentations, possibly at an OARC workshop, referencing using OARC data, or other like contribution. This must be very specific and completed prior to the end of the current Supporter Agreement term.

*Participants are encouraged to publish the results of their analysis of the Data at DNS-OARC workshops and other public fora. All publication of Derivative Data must include acknowledgment of DNS-OARC as the source of the Data.  Prior to publication, Participant must seek and obtain written permission from DNS-OARC for such publication, to allow DNS-OARC to verify that all terms of this Agreement are being adhered to.

To renew, we will require URLs pointing to the presentations/papers/data/code/etc. that meet the criteria above. We require a tangible, measurable contribution which assists the operation and/or relevance of OARC itself.

We realize plans change, and the exact contribution need not be the same as the initial commitment, but the advance commitment and intent is required, and the final contribution for must be non-zero. In general, to approve Supporter status we require a commitment up-front as to which of the above you intend to contribute.

If you have other suggestions not listed above, please submit them to us at admin@dns-oarc.net for consideration.