Submitted by admin on

(Note: For further information on other OARC data, please consult the OARC Data Catalog. Information about uploading DITL data can be found here.)

OARC collects DNS traces from busy and interesting DNS nameservers through various means, such as the annual Day In The Life of the Internet (DITL) collection effort. It also includes other data collections in other formats such as BIND query logs. OARC offers access to researchers and OARC members through the use of a small fleet of analysis machines. These systems encourage researchers to bring their own tools to perform whatever studies are necessary for their work. Also, furnishing these systems comply with the requirement that the data may not be copied off OARC servers to any other host or network beyond OARC's access and control. The specifications of these systems are:

  • an1 and an3: 64-bit Debian Linux 8, using Dell R810 with 144GB of RAM, with 4 X7560 @ 2.27GHz CPUs
  • an2: 64-bit Debian Linux 8, using Dell R820 with 64GB of RAM, with 2 E5-4603 @ 2.00GHz CPUs
  • an4: 64-bit Debian Linux 8, using Supermicro with 64GB of RAM, with 2 E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz CPUs

Requests for access to these systems should be directed through the "Contacting OARC" link located to the left of of this page. Please note that access to this data requires a current OARC paying membership, or in lieu of payment of a mutually beneficial form of in-kind membership.


2010 Dataset Change Control

  • OARC takes the integrity of this dataset very seriously, and as a matter of policy (including since the Collisions analysis started) has it been possible for any non-OARC representative to have write access to the dataset, nor have there been any other changes to the dataset.
  • However, OARC recognizes that greater transparency and formality concerning clean-up operations made to some of the 2010 dataset would have been preferable. To this end, in the event of any further requests to make retrospective changes to the dataset, it will be ensured these are announced to all OARC members when requested, and if agreed/approved will be performed only by OARC staff and will be fully documented as above.
  • OARC has taken some additional precautionary measures to ensure the integrity of the dataset:
    • an audit has been performed of who has write permissions to this data, and it has been verified that it's not been possible for non-OARC representatives to make changes to already submitted data. Nonetheless access restrictions have been increased in a number of places anyway.
    • All write permissions have been removed from the entire submitted dataset

DITL traces are primarily compressed pcap files covering approximately 48-hour periods. Some of the earlier DITL collections also contain BIND query log dumps instead. OARC has DITL traces for the following years: