The DNS-OARC 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held as a hybrid in-person and online event during OARC43 in Prague, Czech Republic, on Sunday 27th October at 15:00 UTC (16:00 CEST).

Rotation of OARC Directors means we have 3 Board seats to fill by election at this AGM. We are looking for passionate and dedicated candidates willing to serve a two-year term on the Board, and who will contribute actively to the ongoing development of OARC. The Board meets monthly, by video conference, and several times a year face-to-face, to review DNS-OARC strategy and operations. We expect our directors to take an active role in participating in ongoing discussions within committees, and to offer oversight and feedback as necessary.

Note that Board seats are held in an individual rather than Member organization capacity. Candidates however must be nominated by a DNS-OARC Member in good standing, and employed by or affiliated with a particular Member organization when nominated. No Member organization may nominate more than one candidate.

If your Member organization would like to nominate a candidate, please send an email to board2024@dns-oarc.net with a brief statement of the nominee's background and platform. We will be asking nominees for a statement of interest, and will post these with a list of the current nominees by 1st October.

To vote at the AGM and nominate, stand or vote in the Board elections, a Member must be in Good Standing at the time of the Record Date of 15:00 UTC on 26th September. The initial deadline for Board nominations is 23:59 PDT on 26th September.