At the upcoming AGM DNS-OARC members will be electing two directors for its board of directors.
We are looking for nominations for candidates willing to serve a two-year term on the Board and contribute to the continued growth of OARC. The Board meets monthly, by teleconference, to review DNS-OARC operations. We expect our directors to actively contribute to the various ongoing, email based, discussions and provide feedback as needed.
An ideal candidate will be one with the business experience to help formulate strategy and guide the policy that drives DNS-OARC. To be eligible, a candidate must be from an DNS-OARC Member in good standing.
If you would like to nominate (or self-nominate) a candidate, please send an email to with a brief background. We will be asking nominees for a statement of interest.
The list of current nominees is available online and will be updates as candidates step forward. (
Cut off for nominations is September 30th.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Matt Larson
Chairman, DNS-OARC