ISC SIE cache poisoning attempt detection tool

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 18:22:46 -0400 From: Robert Edmonds To: dns-operations Subject: [dns-operations] release of ISC SIE cache poisoning attempt detection tool hi, ISC SIE has developed a tool for detecting cache poisoning attempts. it consists of two parts: ncaptool, the part which performs packet gathering, reassembly, and dns filtering; and mod_urstate, a message processing module which attempts to statefully detect unsolicited responses that may be indicative of cache poisoning attempts. -- Check your resolver's transaction ID behavior

2023-06-01: This service has been deprecated in favor of Check My DNS.

A number of people have been asking for a way to check transaction ID randomness, in addition to source port randomness. OARC's porttest tool has now been expanded to also report on transaction IDs. To use it, issue a TXT query for the name For example, with dig: